My Story


Twelve years ago, I knew nothing about wine and wasn’t even a wine drinker.  It all changed when I met my husband. He had planted a vineyard on the family farm with intentions to one day have a winery.

When we moved to Northern Virginia to begin our careers as educators we would spend weekends exploring the many wineries in Northern Virginia and the Charlottesville area. Eventually we began to call our outings “educational field trips”. We wanted to learn more about wine and get ideas for our winery. My taste and interest in wine continued to grow and evolve. 

When we returned home to the Hudson Valley, I had the opportunity to work in a tasting room at a local winery. There I realized how much I loved to talk and teach others about wine, how it's made, and all the complexities that surround a good bottle. It was my fun job and brought me joy. 

2020 was a turning point in my life. It was the COVID pandemic, I became a new mother, we opened our winery, and I was craving some change. One morning while I was holding my newborn, I had a moment of realization. With my teaching skills, knowledge and my interest in wine, I realized I can teach others about wine and what’s in their glass. I dove right into learning and expanding my knowledge. I signed up to complete my certificate in winemaking through Penn State. Then I discovered the Wine and Spirits Education Trust, and I completed the WSET Level 2 course through Napa Valley Wine Academy in 2022. 

Here I am now working towards the Society of Wine Educators Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) certification, pursuing WSET Level 3, and starting my first blog.

Here’s to the start of Hudson Valley Wine Education! Stay tuned for my class offerings. Follow along with me on my wine journey, and learn more about what’s in your glass. 



Wine of the Week: Chinon