Burgundy Classifications and Hierarchy

In Burgundy, the classification system is based on the terroir of a plot of land or climats,. Prime vineyards are located on the middle of the slope and are south facing. Those vineyards are able to fully ripen their grapes leading to higher quality wines. Additionally, the type of soil plays another important role in the quality of the production

At the bottom of the classification system are regional appellations. Regional appellations account for half of the total production in Burgundy. Wines from such appellations will be labeled Bourgogne Rouge for Pinot Noir wines and Bourgogne Blanc for Chardonnay. Wine production at the regional level can be produced from grapes grown throughout Burgundy.

A third of the production in Burgundy is at the commune level. These wines will be classified by the term commune or villages.  If a wine is produced from only one vineyard, the vineyard name may also appear on the label. 

Vineyards from prime growing locations that consistently produce high quality wines are classified as premier cru and grand cru with the latter being the most prestigious. One tenth of the production of Burgundy are premier cru while only one percent are considered grand cru.  There are 33 grand cru and each of the grand cru sites are their own appellation. Unlike the grand cru AOCs, premier cru do not have their own designated appellation. Premier cru will be part of the commune appellation, but will include the vineyard name and commune on the label. 

Chablis has their own set of classifications. Their highest level is grand cru. There is only one grand cru which is made up of seven vineyards, Blanchot, Bougros, Les Clos, Grenouilles, Presuses, Valmur, or Vaudésir. These vineyards are located on the middle of south facing slopes with a steep aspect. Below grand cru is premier cru with 40 different climats making up this level. Wines labeled Chablis are produced from grapes grown around the city of Chablis. While wines produced from grapes grown throughout the region of Chablis are labeled Petit Chablis. 


Bordeaux Classifications and Hierarchy